Unfortunately, the families will not be coming to visit PHF like I had hoped they would. The rules are getting tighter with the Olympics quickly approaching and they don't want adoptive families flying out of Beijing anymore. We had 2 boys adopted two weeks ago that were able to be picked up here, and that was really great because the families got to see where their children have spent the majority of their lives. They could always come back and visit another time, but it's not the same. If they came now they could meet some friends of their child, but there's nothing we can do about that now.
It is a very special thing to see a mother and father meet their child for the first time. It is usually quite emotional for everyone; the parents, the child, and of course...the nanny that took care of the child since his or her arrival here. I have seen a few nannies have to do this, and it comes with the job description, but it seems like it would be so hard to do. One nanny recently had to say goodbye to all 3 of her kids within a short period of time. And then she will get more kids and start the process all over again, knowing that she will also have to say goodbye to them as well...the way they typically do the "hand-off" is the parents will be waiting in the office area and the nanny will carry the child into the building. There will often times be another nanny that will be the inbetween person who will take the child from it's nanny and hand him to his parents. I suppose this method makes it a little easier for the nanny rather than for her to have to pass the child to the parents herself. Though, it seems to upset them either way.
I was really looking forward to meeting the families of these two girls. They are two of my favorite subjects here to photograph and I have probably hundreds of pictures of them. I was told that Jackie's family has a blog with some of the pictures I have taken on it, but I don't know the address yet.
Hi Tabitha,
I am reading this for the first time. I love your pictures and your stories. Thanks for sending the link. Will you have a chance to attend any of the Olympic games?
It looks like our daughter, Katie, will be doing an internship in Beijing beginning in Sept. Do you happen to know anyone there who needs a roomate or any Chinese family who might want to rent a room cheaply? The internship does not pay :(! Hope you get to meet up sometime there.
Tabitha, I am REALLY good friends with Kathy who is Jackie's momma!! Her blog is password protected so I can't just put it out there on your blog :O) but am going to write or call her asap and get her intouch with you!
Praise THE Lord!!!
Jill, Drew's mommy
OPPS. I meant to say Rachel is being adopted by Kathy.. SORRY for the mistake! I got so excited! :O)
Tabitha - we are Jackie's parents! I saw your blog on one of my yahoo groups. We have named her Elsy after a friend. She is doing really well. Has 2 brothers and a sister (also from China). Our blog is www.photoblog.com/Kirsy
That is great that she is doing well! She always seemed like a very happy and energetic child everytime I saw her :) Like I said in this post, I have a lot more pictures of Elsy that you would probably want from this year and last year!
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